6 files found in Library "Astronomical Programs"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
alw203.zip Yes 480114 1/7/1996
WIN95: Astronomy Lab 2 is one of the most
| innovative - interesting - and useful
| shareware astronomy programs available for
| Microsoft Windows 95
hrcal20.zip Yes 325721 3/7/1996 WIN3: Win Astronomy - approximates stellar radii
lunabar.zip Yes 346015 11/24/1995
WIN95: Lunabar - a Lunar Almanack for Win95s
| Taskbar V1.10
moonphas.zip Yes 13601 8/2/1995 WIN95: MoonPhase ver. 1.01 by Locutus Codeware
nbd20i10.zip Yes 51758 4/12/1996 WIN95: Nbody3D Gravitational Simulator version
wda.zip Yes 1742732 3/26/1996 WIN3: Windows Dictionary of astronomy